America ranks #18 in the UN’s World Happiness report trailing Finland #1, Canada #7 and Australia #10. To counteract this trend, a professor at Yale designed a college course in positive psychology, not new, but she took the approach that her students would study not only the science of happiness but also the PRACTICE of happiness. Sadly, 52% of college students reported feeling hopeless (American College Health Association) so a course designed to teach how to achieve happiness became a necessity. For those not able to take the Yale course, you can take the free online version, (www.coursera.com) and establish a baseline of your own happiness with a free survey from University of PA titled “Authentic Happiness Inventory” (www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu)
To increase and maintain optimal happiness, you can try the following:
1. Focus on the ordinary instead of always the extraordinary
2. Keep a daily Gratitude Journal – for one week, write down 5 things for which you are are grateful – big (your kids) small (ice cream on a hot summer day)
3. Take the time to help those less fortunate
4. Meditation increases happiness too! (and makes you healthier, live longer etc….)