When researching the word FUN as this month’s theme, the dictionary can barely contain its joy with its synonyms – exuberance, cheerfulness, gaiety, fun, effervescence, verve, buoyancy, levity, zest, liveliness, cheer, joyfulness, joyousness, jolliness, jollity, happiness, gladness, jocularity, conviviality, festivity, merriment, revelry, mirth, glee, gleefulness, laughter, hilarity, lightheartedness, amusement, pleasure!
The sheer abundance of words is guaranteed to bring a smile when you read this since it immediately elevates your Serotonin levels- key hormone of happiness that regulates mood, prevents depression, thwarts irritation and makes you happy and sociable.
If you want to boost your levels:
- Spend time in the sun, since sunlight causes your body to produce Vitamin D and triggers the release of serotonin.
- Consume foods that contain tryptophan, a substance that your body converts to serotonin.
- Do a low-intensity workout, since your body produces serotonin when it is performing aerobic exercise, as opposed to the endorphins it produces during anaerobic exercise.